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© Website created by FCM Neal O’Connor exclusively for the USS Intrepid Former Crew Members Association, Inc. and its members.
Former rCrewmembers Association Donation
It takes funds to do the work we do - can we count on your support?
FCM Association strives to preserve the history and tradition of our ship, while keeping members up to date on programs and activities. But, our operation costs continue to rise yearly. Development and publication of our annual calendar and Ketcher newsletter; promotion of our ship and association through participation in the annual Veterans Day Parade; maintaining our scholarship program; and arranging and hosting member reunions are just a few of the projects that are subject to ever increasing costs.
We ask our FCMs to contribute whatever you feel you can, and we thank you wholeheartedly for stepping up and responding.
You can print our donation form by clicking the button below, and mail the form with your tax deductible check payable to: USS Intrepid Association, Inc.
All mailing information is listed on the donation form.
Thank you.
With warm regards,
Your Association Board of Directors
USS Intrepid Former Crewmembers Association, Inc.